Monday, March 30, 2009

The busy life of one Rachael Fisher

I know you all have seen my tweets on the goings on with House District 3 and meeting with Andy Kerr. Aside from the Apprentice Challenge, I am also the vice chair for Jefferson County House District 26. As a political science minor, I am a really active citizen. I volunteer at the Jefferson Action Center which provides services to homeless and non-homeless persons in the way of food, clothes, shelter, etc. I am attending a letter writing campaign for SB09-170 which is the "Nondiscrimination In Higher Ed Funding" bill, also known as the Tuition Equity Bill. So that's why I tweet you about such interesting subjects as who is going to elections in house districts and the like.

While working on the CHFA project, I am realizing why it is so imperative for us to be educated about what is happening within our community and to actively participate in it. Foreclosure is a nondiscriminating factor within the economy we live in. At Appetizers with Senator Andy Kerr, I met a Farmer's Insurance Agent named Don. I was speaking with Don about the project and asked if he had any insights on foreclosure, as he insures home owners. Don mentioned to me that being informed about what is going on and where his homeowners could go to find assistance would be extremely beneficial.

He told me many of the homeowners going through foreclosure have been told by bankruptcy attorneys that walking away is the best option. This, according to the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline is something that should be the last thing considered. Often times, walking away severly limits the help one can receive and impacts homeowners in negative ways down the road. Don told me he's shocked that attorneys do this and informs his homeowners of this, but to no avail as it has already happened. Knowing where to send the homeowners initially would prevent this outcome from happening. So good information to know when it comes to educating all home-related entities.

Currently, we are finishing up some marketing materials and working on 1 method to drive traffic and really get people engaged and educated about the foreclosure process. Above it all our message is that "You are the Key" in preventing foreclosure.

Ciao for now-

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Foreclosure Awareness

On Saturday March 14th, Chantay, Felipe, Jesse and I attended the Arvada Foreclosure Assistance Fair from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. We met Silvina, another contact with CHFA who was out of the country when we had our March 6th Meeting about the challenge. We met with many groups who assist in many different areas. We discovered there are government entities monitor subprime loans and lending practices. Subprime loans are initially are low annual percentage rates that skyrocket after a few years. We learned that there are free clinics for children who have no health insurance, food banks throughout colorado who will assist in food needs and additional resources that people can go to in their time of need.

I sat in on a couple who were looking at foreclosure and Rogelio Rodriguez, a counselor, helped them to look at their options. The couple, were pregnant and the husband had lost his job. They were not behind in their payments, yet. Rogelio, advised them to get their information together and to go into speak with a FREE agency in order to better assess what can be done.

The questions the couple had, I believe helps to understand the frustration homeowners go through. Aside from what do I do now, they had questions about their credit and how this would affect the future, what exactly was the process, how long did they have, did they have to pay back whatever the difference was between what they are paying now and the plan they were placed on, what was the first step in the process, what was the last step. I could definitely see how it would be difficult to face foreclosure.

After Rogelio spoke with them, they said they felt much better. They would gather together their information, figure out who their lender was and then speak with a counselor. I asked the lady when she was due, and she said "4 weeks-hopefully." I felt relieved for the family, because they looked more peaceful when they left then when they had sat down with us.

Both the Foreclosure Hotline and the Assistance Fair helped me realize how difficult this process is for many people. That they spend days and nights, worrying about the well-being of their family and lives. And, economically, foreclosure may well be on the rise until next summer-according to Sneed, a Remax real estate agent who was also at the Assistance Fair.

More to come soon...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break

With Spring Break a hop, skip and a jump away, we are gearing up to work on the foreclosure project during the break. It promises to be challenging. Some of us are thinking about having a day trip somewhere. Maybe we will buy enough gas to drive somewhere and then buy enough to drive us back! We like to live off the cuff a little bit...just a little bit. Somewhere out there...maybe Boulder...beckons. Today I finished all my classes, until almost April! So while we are on a quasi-break, I will ask you about a topic.

Recently on the news, we may have heard about the Pope saying "You can't resolve it (AIDS) with the distribution of condoms,on the contrary, it increases the problem." And to a degree the Pope makes sense, perhaps the thought comes from western ideals based on education. However, I am not certain if some people are aware of a practice that has been going on in Africa since the first onset of disease within the continent. Often times, through numerous diseases, shamans have told their followers that virgin blood will cleanse them. This has posed numerous issues, which was depicted by a PBS special a few years ago. It's sad because the people affected are not educated and walk deeper into the arms of an all-consuming giant that has become this disease within Africa. However, Africa is not the only nation that has been hit by HIV.

The nation I am from, India, suffers from the spread of HIV as well. Here, it is also because there is no education. Mostly interstate truck drivers and prostitutes transmit the disease. I know we are all familiar with some aspect of HIV/AIDS on the global scale but how does this impact the US or you? Here's how.

On March 16, 2009-this past monday, NBC reported that a shocking 3% of the residents of Washington D.C. are living with HIV/AIDS. According to NBC WIS News 10 "the head of the District's HIV/AIDS office told the Washington Post that every mode of transmission, gay and straight sex along with drug use, are, quote, "all on the rise" and says our rates are "higher than West Africa." It's a huge reason to be concerned.

Here are my questions for you.

1. Do you agree with the Pope or Disagree with the Pope and why?

2. Do you think we should work harder to find a cure for HIV/AIDS? Why?

On a related side note, the monkey, who caused the HIV/AIDS is called the sooty mangabey. I know you want to know that. It is the only know old world primate to have a disease similiar to HIV. However, there are various strains of the virus and it is possible to have multiple strains.

So if you have concerns please be tested. It's free on campus at the health clinic.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We were presented with the CHFA project last Friday! After an amazing breakfast, we were told about the history of CHFA, foreclosures in Colorado, the foreclosure hotline and then our mission. We're a task force of sorts. I am certain we will explain more of this as it unfolds to us.

BUT, what I was writing about today is that I woke up at 4:00 this morning. Yes, IT is true, all the Apprentice Challengers are overachievers. I did wake up for a purpose though. This morning was the Foreclosure Hotline at 9News. Stephanie Riggi, manager of the foreclosure hotline, and her staff met me at the station, where we walked into the phone area, amidst the rings of disconcerted homeowners. It was sad that so many people called, but good to know that there are people who genuinely want to help others.

The foreclosure team is noticeably tight-knit, jovial and definitely alert for 5:00 in the morning. Ryan, who gave an interview, brought us all Starbucks at 6:00 am and the team continued to inform homeowners about foreclosure assistance pertaining to their coutnies. By the time 7:30 rolled around, we were ready to roll back under the covers.

But the snow had melted and there was more work to do. The foreclosure team headed back to their offices and I to my homework. Now, I am finally headed off to bed.

Good night!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What are you going to do with those old electronics?

I know you are all wondering where to go with those old electronics! The two teams have different locations to take them to. Take them to:

Southwest Plaza
8501 W. Bowles
Littleton, CO

We will accept anything-cell phones, tvs, monitors, computers...

Just stay out of your kitchen and your laundry room!