I was sitting at a fantastic chinese/mexican restaurant called Boa, in a charming part of Colorado we call the highlands, when I a gentleman came in to order food to go. We exchanged some small talk and I was letting him know about the 9News Live Green Electronic Recycling Event when he asked me this question is DTV really much different from the digital TV? Now Michael, the gentleman, was from an older generation than mine and I did explain to him a few reasons why most believe that digital TV is better than the analog.
I informed him that digital TV has much clearer more defined images, because of the higher resolution. Digital TV also comes widescreen so there is more of the image that was meant to be seen. I informed him about the difference because of the multiple access points of a digital image versus that of an analog thus making the movement more smooth (this part I had to include signals-analog vs digital in order to explain it more effectively-I am not sure I did a great job). I also then explained to him that sound quality is better with the digital TV. This could be explained because BOA has a rather large flatscreen TV where the owner has connected speakers, coupled with a computer, one can play all types of songs from a COMPUTER! Go figure. I then showed him my palm centro and he was blown away that I could go online by tapping at the screen a bit.
I was very proud of myself. I felt like I did a great job of explaining the purpose of the whole transition. However, much to my chagrin, he smiled sweetly at me and told me because he had cable, he was not going to worry about it too much. After which he wrote me a lengthy list of political science books to read, since it is my minor, and slipped out the door with his order.
So, yes, the digital TV experience is better for many reasons and those of us with cable do not need to worry about it. For those of us without the cable, different story. Last I heard, the waitlist for the converter box discount was up to a shocking three million and counting. Start making a book list, because in June, that might be your TV.
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With Squidoo the more we get hit, the more money we make to donate to an organization! We are letting you make that decision on who we donate to...so suggest away!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sustainable Alliance-
It is interesting when have moments of total dejavu isn't it? Last August, I was helping Sustainable Alliance with their Big Tent Event where many of the issues of global environment came to the fore. All of it was about what we are discussing now, the importance of acting now, rather than waiting to fix later. I was looking through some of my pictures and I found a few that I thought you might enjoy...
Not sure if you know, Daryl Hannah, aside from acting, is an environmentalist as well. She spoke about issues like our dependence on fossil fuels-

Also Van Jones, an extremely green activitist, out of San Francisco, was there. He is the president and founder of Green for All-He's an ambitious guy because he wants to end poverty by going green-it's awesome.

And of course Robert Kennedy Jr. was there! He's the one holding the microphone-He was talking about climate problems and solutions-
The point being that the green push is huge! It's all very exciting that we in Colorado have such a huge role in it. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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Not sure if you know, Daryl Hannah, aside from acting, is an environmentalist as well. She spoke about issues like our dependence on fossil fuels-

Also Van Jones, an extremely green activitist, out of San Francisco, was there. He is the president and founder of Green for All-He's an ambitious guy because he wants to end poverty by going green-it's awesome.

And of course Robert Kennedy Jr. was there! He's the one holding the microphone-He was talking about climate problems and solutions-
The point being that the green push is huge! It's all very exciting that we in Colorado have such a huge role in it. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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EWaste Chemicals: Cadmium
I know we have talked about ewaste chemicals-cadmium, lead, beryllium, mercury and others-but what do they mean? When I hear cadmium it sounds like those chocolatey easter eggs-but no...not so much. So through the weekend we will give you the run down on the chems of ewaste-first cadmium-we like the Wisconsin Department of Health's awesome factsheet-
Cadmium is a metal found naturally in the earth's crust. Pure cadmium is a soft, silver-white metal; however, it’s unusual to find it in its pure form. It’s commonly found in combination with other elements such as oxygen (cadmium oxide) or sulphur (cadmium sulphate).
Cadmium is also used in industry. The cadmium used in industry is a byproduct of zinc, lead, and copper refining. Industrial uses of cadmium include production of metal plating, rechargeable batteries, paint pigments, and plastics.
Cadmium can be found in dust. The body does not readily release cadmium once inhaled or ingested. Exposure to low doses of cadmium over a long time can build up to a toxic level.
Drinking/Eating: People can be exposed to cadmium when they eat plants grown in contaminated soil, or when they eat fish from contaminated water. Cadmium occurs naturally at low levels in many foods. The normal intake of cadmium (1-3 micrograms/day) does not appear to cause health problems. People can be exposed to increased amounts of cadmium by drinking contaminated water.
Contamination of drinking water typically results from improper disposal of industrial chemicals.
Breathing: Cadmium is found in smoke from burning fossil fuels, municipal wastes, and cigarettes. People who smoke cigarettes have higher cadmium levels in their bodies than nonsmokers. Industrial facilities that process metal can create high levels of cadmium in the air and significantly increase the exposure of people living or working near them.
Touching: Cadmium is not easily absorbed through the skin.
Water: The state and federal drinking water standards are both set at 5 parts per billion of cadmium. We suggest you stop drinking water that contains more than the standard.
Air: No standards exist for cadmium allowed in the air of homes. However, there are workplace limits. We use a formula to convert workplace limits to home limits; inhalation levels should be no higher than 0.0002 milligrams of cadmium per cubic meter of air (mg/m3). Levels above 0.0035 mg/m3 increase the chance of lung and kidney injury. Long-term exposure to air containing cadmium dust or fumes increases a person's lung cancer risk.
The following symptoms may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to high levels of cadmium:
Stomach irritation after ingestion of contaminated food or water.
Lung irritation following inhalation of cadmium particles or fumes at levels greater than 300 mg/m3.
The following health effects can occur after several years of exposure to cadmium:
Cancer: Cancer can develop after long-term, high-level exposure to airborne cadmium.
Reproductive Effects: Human reproductive problems are not associated with exposure to cadmium.
Organ Systems: Lung disorders, including emphysema or bronchitis, can develop after long-term exposure to cadmium in air. Kidney damage and/or kidney stones can form as a result of eating, drinking, or breathing elevated levels of cadmium.
In general, chemicals affect the same organ systems in all people who are exposed. However, the seriousness of the effects may vary from person to person. A person's reaction depends on several things, including individual health, heredity, previous exposure to chemicals including medicines, and personal habits such as smoking or drinking.
It is also important to consider the length of exposure to the chemical; the amount of chemical exposure; and whether the chemical was inhaled, touched, or eaten.
Seek medical advice if you have any symptoms that you think may be related to chemical exposure.
(PPH 4591 Revised 3/2000)
Want to learn about more? Go to http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/eh/chemfs/fs/cadmium.htm-
Yay for Friday: We'll be on all weekend-find us on:
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Cadmium is a metal found naturally in the earth's crust. Pure cadmium is a soft, silver-white metal; however, it’s unusual to find it in its pure form. It’s commonly found in combination with other elements such as oxygen (cadmium oxide) or sulphur (cadmium sulphate).
Cadmium is also used in industry. The cadmium used in industry is a byproduct of zinc, lead, and copper refining. Industrial uses of cadmium include production of metal plating, rechargeable batteries, paint pigments, and plastics.
Cadmium can be found in dust. The body does not readily release cadmium once inhaled or ingested. Exposure to low doses of cadmium over a long time can build up to a toxic level.
Drinking/Eating: People can be exposed to cadmium when they eat plants grown in contaminated soil, or when they eat fish from contaminated water. Cadmium occurs naturally at low levels in many foods. The normal intake of cadmium (1-3 micrograms/day) does not appear to cause health problems. People can be exposed to increased amounts of cadmium by drinking contaminated water.
Contamination of drinking water typically results from improper disposal of industrial chemicals.
Breathing: Cadmium is found in smoke from burning fossil fuels, municipal wastes, and cigarettes. People who smoke cigarettes have higher cadmium levels in their bodies than nonsmokers. Industrial facilities that process metal can create high levels of cadmium in the air and significantly increase the exposure of people living or working near them.
Touching: Cadmium is not easily absorbed through the skin.
Water: The state and federal drinking water standards are both set at 5 parts per billion of cadmium. We suggest you stop drinking water that contains more than the standard.
Air: No standards exist for cadmium allowed in the air of homes. However, there are workplace limits. We use a formula to convert workplace limits to home limits; inhalation levels should be no higher than 0.0002 milligrams of cadmium per cubic meter of air (mg/m3). Levels above 0.0035 mg/m3 increase the chance of lung and kidney injury. Long-term exposure to air containing cadmium dust or fumes increases a person's lung cancer risk.
The following symptoms may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to high levels of cadmium:
Stomach irritation after ingestion of contaminated food or water.
Lung irritation following inhalation of cadmium particles or fumes at levels greater than 300 mg/m3.
The following health effects can occur after several years of exposure to cadmium:
Cancer: Cancer can develop after long-term, high-level exposure to airborne cadmium.
Reproductive Effects: Human reproductive problems are not associated with exposure to cadmium.
Organ Systems: Lung disorders, including emphysema or bronchitis, can develop after long-term exposure to cadmium in air. Kidney damage and/or kidney stones can form as a result of eating, drinking, or breathing elevated levels of cadmium.
In general, chemicals affect the same organ systems in all people who are exposed. However, the seriousness of the effects may vary from person to person. A person's reaction depends on several things, including individual health, heredity, previous exposure to chemicals including medicines, and personal habits such as smoking or drinking.
It is also important to consider the length of exposure to the chemical; the amount of chemical exposure; and whether the chemical was inhaled, touched, or eaten.
Seek medical advice if you have any symptoms that you think may be related to chemical exposure.
(PPH 4591 Revised 3/2000)
Want to learn about more? Go to http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/eh/chemfs/fs/cadmium.htm-
Yay for Friday: We'll be on all weekend-find us on:
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It really does start with US...in more ways than 1.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ewaste, eco-rally, ERASE-
Really that is what the aim is right, to leave tiny prints as opposed to giant feet? To stop, drop and roll on what we have already done? While, I have been working, I googled the term ewaste-ecorally and I am the first blog that pops up and also the first image...I know I rock...it's only because I blog all of the time to keep y'all informed. Hope all of you have had as a productful day as I have! Good fridays all around-I can feel us taking a momentous step when we do something really valuable...
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Is Our E-Waste Harming Children?
I read a rather disturbing article from the Huffington Post that reads the following:
China has been sending us lead-contaminated toys, but lead contamination from U.S. products may be exacting a far heavier toll on children in China.
Number of recalls of children's products issued in the United States in 2007: 231
Number one reason for children's product recalls: lead contamination
Principal country of origin of U.S. children's products contaminated by lead: China
Percentage of children with elevated levels of lead in the United States: 2.2%
One of the principal exporters of e-waste to China despite Chinese ban: United States
One of the toxic metals contained in e-waste: lead
City where large volumes of e-waste are disposed: Guiyu, China
Percentage of children with elevated levels of lead in Guiyu, China: 82%
Dr. Bill Chameides is the dean of Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment. He blogs regularly at www.thegreengrok.com.
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China has been sending us lead-contaminated toys, but lead contamination from U.S. products may be exacting a far heavier toll on children in China.
Number of recalls of children's products issued in the United States in 2007: 231
Number one reason for children's product recalls: lead contamination
Principal country of origin of U.S. children's products contaminated by lead: China
Percentage of children with elevated levels of lead in the United States: 2.2%
One of the principal exporters of e-waste to China despite Chinese ban: United States
One of the toxic metals contained in e-waste: lead
City where large volumes of e-waste are disposed: Guiyu, China
Percentage of children with elevated levels of lead in Guiyu, China: 82%
Dr. Bill Chameides is the dean of Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment. He blogs regularly at www.thegreengrok.com.
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Electonic Waste the Actual Effects...
I imagine that it's difficult for most of us to imagine a world destroyed by electronic waste looks like. I included this video so we could have a visual. It would be accurate to say that most of us, in the United States, do not get to live in landfills, so it's disturbing to see those who do. More than this, it's simply the educational component...how could we have known? This is why it is imperative to get the word out about the importance of ecycling. We want to educate...because if we don't work on this now...perhaps this will be us down the road. Live Green and bring your screen to the Live Green Electronics Recycling Event-See you at Southwest Plaza in Littleon-8501 Bowles-MARCH 7th, 2009-7:00 am to 12:00 pm.
1. Good For Our Economy American companies rely on recycling programs to provide the raw materials they need to make new products.
2. Creates Jobs Recycling in the U.S. is a $236 billion a year industry. More than 56,000 recycling and reuse enterprises employ 1.1 million workers nationwide.
3. Reduces Waste The average American discards seven and a half pounds of garbage every day. Most of this garbage goes into to landfills, where it's compacted and buried.
4. Good For The Environment Recycling requires far less energy, uses fewer natural resources, and keeps waste from piling up in landfills.
5. Saves Energy Recycling offers significant energy savings over manufacturing with virgin materials. (Manufacturing with recycled aluminum cans uses 95% less energy.)
6. Preserves Landfill Space No one wants to live next door to a landfill. Recycling preserves existing landfill space.
7. Prevents Global Warming In 2000, recycling of solid waste prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE, the unit of measure for greenhouse gases) into the air.
8. Reduces Water Pollution Making goods from recycled materials generates far less water pollution than manufacturing from virgin materials.
9. Protects Wildlife Using recycled materials reduces the need to damage forests, wetlands, rivers and other places essential to wildlife.
10. Creates New Demand Recycling and buying recycled products creates demand for more recycled products, decreasing waste and helping our economy.2.5.
from: http://www.nrc-recycle.org/top10reasonstorecycle.aspx
2. Creates Jobs Recycling in the U.S. is a $236 billion a year industry. More than 56,000 recycling and reuse enterprises employ 1.1 million workers nationwide.
3. Reduces Waste The average American discards seven and a half pounds of garbage every day. Most of this garbage goes into to landfills, where it's compacted and buried.
4. Good For The Environment Recycling requires far less energy, uses fewer natural resources, and keeps waste from piling up in landfills.
5. Saves Energy Recycling offers significant energy savings over manufacturing with virgin materials. (Manufacturing with recycled aluminum cans uses 95% less energy.)
6. Preserves Landfill Space No one wants to live next door to a landfill. Recycling preserves existing landfill space.
7. Prevents Global Warming In 2000, recycling of solid waste prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE, the unit of measure for greenhouse gases) into the air.
8. Reduces Water Pollution Making goods from recycled materials generates far less water pollution than manufacturing from virgin materials.
9. Protects Wildlife Using recycled materials reduces the need to damage forests, wetlands, rivers and other places essential to wildlife.
10. Creates New Demand Recycling and buying recycled products creates demand for more recycled products, decreasing waste and helping our economy.2.5.
from: http://www.nrc-recycle.org/top10reasonstorecycle.aspx
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Project two has commenced. We are working with Comcast to increase social awareness of an e-cyling event on March 7, 2009. What is ecycling you ask? Ecycling is the recycling of electronic equipment, such as televisions and computers. It is an exciting and awesome event designed to continue green efforts.
We have also been split into two different groups, the men against the women. Chantay, Jeannine and I have entitled ourselves The Triple Threat! Jeannine really wanted to be the team lead on this project but because of the social media elements of the task and that I am a public relations major, I begged her to let me have it. She was really sweet and let me. After being given the challenge, we met up and discussed how we are going to accomplish our task which encompasses a variety of different activities including social media outreach, volunteer recruitment and education.
Later, we attended a social responsibilty event where we had speakers inform us about how we are in effect responsible for our community. We met many individuals at the Courtyard Marriot. Scott, of Sage Hospitality Resources, Dr. Jordan of Metro and Jacque Williams of Six Degrees of Communications spoke with us about the importance of social responsibilty.
Then on Saturday, I attended an orientation for future students, held by the Alpha Delta Theta sorority. I spoke to students about my experience as a student. We all then went to the televised basketball game between Metro and Colorado Christian University. The game was close and well played, but Metro won! We stayed for half of the girls game, where they were dominating as well and then Jeannine went to study and I went home to take a nap. All the excitement of project two made for not very much sleep on Friday night.
Felipe, Jesse and I went out for some dancing at the Church later and had a great time. I learned a really fast mexican style dancing that Jesse taught me.
I can't wait to get movin' and shakin' on this project!
We have also been split into two different groups, the men against the women. Chantay, Jeannine and I have entitled ourselves The Triple Threat! Jeannine really wanted to be the team lead on this project but because of the social media elements of the task and that I am a public relations major, I begged her to let me have it. She was really sweet and let me. After being given the challenge, we met up and discussed how we are going to accomplish our task which encompasses a variety of different activities including social media outreach, volunteer recruitment and education.
Later, we attended a social responsibilty event where we had speakers inform us about how we are in effect responsible for our community. We met many individuals at the Courtyard Marriot. Scott, of Sage Hospitality Resources, Dr. Jordan of Metro and Jacque Williams of Six Degrees of Communications spoke with us about the importance of social responsibilty.
Then on Saturday, I attended an orientation for future students, held by the Alpha Delta Theta sorority. I spoke to students about my experience as a student. We all then went to the televised basketball game between Metro and Colorado Christian University. The game was close and well played, but Metro won! We stayed for half of the girls game, where they were dominating as well and then Jeannine went to study and I went home to take a nap. All the excitement of project two made for not very much sleep on Friday night.
Felipe, Jesse and I went out for some dancing at the Church later and had a great time. I learned a really fast mexican style dancing that Jesse taught me.
I can't wait to get movin' and shakin' on this project!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Life is amazing and weird.
This weekend has already turned into one of those amazing weekends I will look back on and think WOW; Life is awesome!
One of my friends and I went out dancing for the first time in six months, I think, or more. I love going to dance at gay clubs because, the gays know how to throw a party and also I have many gay friends. Every once in a while who doesn't want to roll around in glitter and dance the night away?? Also, my boyfriend and I had a huge fight, and rolling around in glitter and dancing makes everything better.
So, we're out, boppin' around to Madonna and we see this sign up for winning something. We sign up-which I loathe-I feel like I am always going to be looped into some sort of timeshare or giving up my first born. I crumple mine up because that is always the secret to winning anything. We continue to dance around for an hour or so and they hold the drawing for the prize. The person they call isn't there anymore, so they redraw and guess who wins a cruise to Cozumel?
Not me. My friend!!!
I offered to babysit her kid. But, YAY-she's been having a crummy couple of months so I was mouthing, Thank God! No one deserves to win something more than that girl.
Then I've been working on leadership skills on the side, and this morning I became the vice-chair of an organization. I am excited but a little nervous.
I hope everyone is having an eventful weekend! Mine has been amazing...and weird.
One of my friends and I went out dancing for the first time in six months, I think, or more. I love going to dance at gay clubs because, the gays know how to throw a party and also I have many gay friends. Every once in a while who doesn't want to roll around in glitter and dance the night away?? Also, my boyfriend and I had a huge fight, and rolling around in glitter and dancing makes everything better.
So, we're out, boppin' around to Madonna and we see this sign up for winning something. We sign up-which I loathe-I feel like I am always going to be looped into some sort of timeshare or giving up my first born. I crumple mine up because that is always the secret to winning anything. We continue to dance around for an hour or so and they hold the drawing for the prize. The person they call isn't there anymore, so they redraw and guess who wins a cruise to Cozumel?
Not me. My friend!!!
I offered to babysit her kid. But, YAY-she's been having a crummy couple of months so I was mouthing, Thank God! No one deserves to win something more than that girl.
Then I've been working on leadership skills on the side, and this morning I became the vice-chair of an organization. I am excited but a little nervous.
I hope everyone is having an eventful weekend! Mine has been amazing...and weird.
Monday, February 2, 2009
On break...
Jesse and I are sitting here in his office, totally stuck in a chinese coma from the chinese food-we may not make sense because we are too fat right now, our minds too. But we thought we would write a little wrap-up of the first challenge.
Jesse says, "It was great...it was great." Imagine a little kid missing his two front teeth.
And I said "Why Jesse, why was it so great?"
"Because we all worked together as one team, one mission." (He's keeping out the minor disagreements we had-like when we fought about the color of the binders for the final presentation-or the discount the Kinkos guy gave us-I tried to say it was because of me, but noooo...it had to be him...) and he says yep.
I have to admit, Jesse is the bomb-diggity. He is telling me the story about going to winterpark for the ski trip we won. Chantay and Jesse don't know how to ski very well, and they were on the bunny hill for the morning and when they finally made it to the green hill after lunch, they realized how inexperienced they really were. Jesse and Chantay don't know how to ride the lifts and he was body slammed by the lifts. See Jesse's blog for details...it should prove to be hilarious! I almost fell over because I couldn't breathe from laughing too hard.
It sounds like a good time was had by all. I missed it for a family emergency. But next time we win, I will be there! T-minus 12!
Jesse says, "It was great...it was great." Imagine a little kid missing his two front teeth.
And I said "Why Jesse, why was it so great?"
"Because we all worked together as one team, one mission." (He's keeping out the minor disagreements we had-like when we fought about the color of the binders for the final presentation-or the discount the Kinkos guy gave us-I tried to say it was because of me, but noooo...it had to be him...) and he says yep.
I have to admit, Jesse is the bomb-diggity. He is telling me the story about going to winterpark for the ski trip we won. Chantay and Jesse don't know how to ski very well, and they were on the bunny hill for the morning and when they finally made it to the green hill after lunch, they realized how inexperienced they really were. Jesse and Chantay don't know how to ride the lifts and he was body slammed by the lifts. See Jesse's blog for details...it should prove to be hilarious! I almost fell over because I couldn't breathe from laughing too hard.
It sounds like a good time was had by all. I missed it for a family emergency. But next time we win, I will be there! T-minus 12!
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