Saturday, February 28, 2009

Comcast Ewaste Ecorally

I was sitting at a fantastic chinese/mexican restaurant called Boa, in a charming part of Colorado we call the highlands, when I a gentleman came in to order food to go. We exchanged some small talk and I was letting him know about the 9News Live Green Electronic Recycling Event when he asked me this question is DTV really much different from the digital TV? Now Michael, the gentleman, was from an older generation than mine and I did explain to him a few reasons why most believe that digital TV is better than the analog.

I informed him that digital TV has much clearer more defined images, because of the higher resolution. Digital TV also comes widescreen so there is more of the image that was meant to be seen. I informed him about the difference because of the multiple access points of a digital image versus that of an analog thus making the movement more smooth (this part I had to include signals-analog vs digital in order to explain it more effectively-I am not sure I did a great job). I also then explained to him that sound quality is better with the digital TV. This could be explained because BOA has a rather large flatscreen TV where the owner has connected speakers, coupled with a computer, one can play all types of songs from a COMPUTER! Go figure. I then showed him my palm centro and he was blown away that I could go online by tapping at the screen a bit.

I was very proud of myself. I felt like I did a great job of explaining the purpose of the whole transition. However, much to my chagrin, he smiled sweetly at me and told me because he had cable, he was not going to worry about it too much. After which he wrote me a lengthy list of political science books to read, since it is my minor, and slipped out the door with his order.

So, yes, the digital TV experience is better for many reasons and those of us with cable do not need to worry about it. For those of us without the cable, different story. Last I heard, the waitlist for the converter box discount was up to a shocking three million and counting. Start making a book list, because in June, that might be your TV.

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