Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We were presented with the CHFA project last Friday! After an amazing breakfast, we were told about the history of CHFA, foreclosures in Colorado, the foreclosure hotline and then our mission. We're a task force of sorts. I am certain we will explain more of this as it unfolds to us.

BUT, what I was writing about today is that I woke up at 4:00 this morning. Yes, IT is true, all the Apprentice Challengers are overachievers. I did wake up for a purpose though. This morning was the Foreclosure Hotline at 9News. Stephanie Riggi, manager of the foreclosure hotline, and her staff met me at the station, where we walked into the phone area, amidst the rings of disconcerted homeowners. It was sad that so many people called, but good to know that there are people who genuinely want to help others.

The foreclosure team is noticeably tight-knit, jovial and definitely alert for 5:00 in the morning. Ryan, who gave an interview, brought us all Starbucks at 6:00 am and the team continued to inform homeowners about foreclosure assistance pertaining to their coutnies. By the time 7:30 rolled around, we were ready to roll back under the covers.

But the snow had melted and there was more work to do. The foreclosure team headed back to their offices and I to my homework. Now, I am finally headed off to bed.

Good night!

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