Monday, March 30, 2009

The busy life of one Rachael Fisher

I know you all have seen my tweets on the goings on with House District 3 and meeting with Andy Kerr. Aside from the Apprentice Challenge, I am also the vice chair for Jefferson County House District 26. As a political science minor, I am a really active citizen. I volunteer at the Jefferson Action Center which provides services to homeless and non-homeless persons in the way of food, clothes, shelter, etc. I am attending a letter writing campaign for SB09-170 which is the "Nondiscrimination In Higher Ed Funding" bill, also known as the Tuition Equity Bill. So that's why I tweet you about such interesting subjects as who is going to elections in house districts and the like.

While working on the CHFA project, I am realizing why it is so imperative for us to be educated about what is happening within our community and to actively participate in it. Foreclosure is a nondiscriminating factor within the economy we live in. At Appetizers with Senator Andy Kerr, I met a Farmer's Insurance Agent named Don. I was speaking with Don about the project and asked if he had any insights on foreclosure, as he insures home owners. Don mentioned to me that being informed about what is going on and where his homeowners could go to find assistance would be extremely beneficial.

He told me many of the homeowners going through foreclosure have been told by bankruptcy attorneys that walking away is the best option. This, according to the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline is something that should be the last thing considered. Often times, walking away severly limits the help one can receive and impacts homeowners in negative ways down the road. Don told me he's shocked that attorneys do this and informs his homeowners of this, but to no avail as it has already happened. Knowing where to send the homeowners initially would prevent this outcome from happening. So good information to know when it comes to educating all home-related entities.

Currently, we are finishing up some marketing materials and working on 1 method to drive traffic and really get people engaged and educated about the foreclosure process. Above it all our message is that "You are the Key" in preventing foreclosure.

Ciao for now-

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