Monday, April 27, 2009

Project four

Finally Project four! We are working with Live Well Colorado and Kaiser Permanente in order to foster an implemented program called Walking Wednesday at Knapp and Monroe Elementary schools, and Trotting Thursday at Castro Elementary. The introduction to this project was totally AWESOME! We were in the VIP room of the Museum of Nature and Science. I love that place. I think I spent an entire year at that Museum. My favorite things include the T-Rex Bones in the entrance, the penny grubbing-growling sabertooth tiger, IMAX and the planetarium. I still remember all the constellations I learned from that planetarium. Clearly, the museum continues to be amazing growing opportunity for me. Project four has been all about this.

Growing happens in several ways and for this project we will be helping kids to grow up and not out. Obesity in the United States has grown exponentially within the last 50 years. Fifty years ago, many kids walked to school, however the growth of our urban areas and the availability of cars has caused an increase in obesity. Live Well Colorado and Kaiser Permanente are helping to implement a walking program for kids with the hopes that these healthy habits will become a part of their lives and consequently the life of a healthy adult. Live Well Colorado works with other green organizations to create community gardens to further establish healthy eating patterns.

Many of the kids in the "Westwood" area participate in government assisted food programs, are latino (perhaps higher fat food content) and or live in subsidized housing, therefore healthy eating may be lower on the list of priorities.

More to come soon.

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