Monday, April 27, 2009

Monroe Elementary

On Monday, Felipe and I attended the parents meeting at Monroe Elementary, where we discussed an idea to implement a walking bus concept. Because the program has not been fully implemented we believed that the walking bus idea would be great, but the was that many parents live too far away to start such a program. The parents were not ready for this.

I also attempted to attend the Walking Wednedsay at Knapp Elementary and was informed by the secretary that the program was happening the next week. I was disappointed, but turns out that it really was happening. This made me realize that it was extremely important for us to create a sustainable program, because it is the people of Live Well Colorado and Kaiser Permanente who ultimately create and foster these programs. The teachers and employees of the school have so much to do as it is, that it really comes down to parent involvement and volunteers such as the Americorps volunteers Live Well Colorado has right now. However, the Americorps volunteers are around for the spring and Live Well Colorado does not have volunteers in the fall, in my opinion the most important time frame for creating sustainability.

Hopefully we will be able to help our sponsors with this! We have parents who want to be involved, kids who want to walk and Live Well Colorado/Kaiser Permanente really wanting to help the community and our state become more healhty. Aye caramba!

Es todo, ahorita, amigos!

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